Immigration Lawyer Vs Immigration Consultant: You Should Know This


When it comes to immigration, the process can be easy or difficult depending on your knowhow.

For this reason, we tend to help the process more seamless by equipping you with all the information you need to know to immigrate abroad.

If however, the whole process seem difficult to you and you want it to be more seamless, that’s where the services of an immigration lawyer or an immigration consultant comes to play.

If you’ve got the much needed finances and want to escape a lot of the hurdles, using an immigration lawyer or an immigration consultant is often recommended.


Immigration lawyers vs immigration consultant

Now, the concept of an immigration lawyer and an immigration consultant can be confusing. For this reason, we want to let you know a little more about these services.

Immigration Lawyer VS Immigration Consultant

An immigration lawyer and an immigration consultant are both legally authorized to represent clients during the immigration process. The major difference between both, would be in the area of education backgrounds and regulation authorities.

However, these two share similar roles in representing clients in their process towards coming to Canada or being in Canada.

What You Should Know About Immigration Lawyers Vs Immigration Consultants

When it comes to experience, usually, immigration lawyers or attorneys tend to have more legal experience.

Immigration lawyers are required to attend law school and complete a three-year degree. This is what certifies them as lawyers. A bar exam is also required to be completed in order to become legally registered. Many of these lawyers undergo internship period with a law firm during or after their studies.


Immigration lawyers are also able to attend immigration interviews with their clients and can advocate for their application in a Canadian Court of law in rare cases that the client’s application is brought under judicial review.

Immigration Consultants are basically not lawyers. Generally, they do not attend law school. They however, undergo a one-year certification in order to become registered.

Immigration consultants are also not required to have completed an undergraduate degree to begin their certification.

Another notable difference between both parties is, while immigration consultants are legally able to represent you, they cannot advocate on your behalf in federal Court if required. Only immigration lawyers can do that.

Avoiding Immigration Lawyers and Consultants Fraud

This is the internet age. And while measures are continuously being put in place to bring internet fraud to be barest minimum, you need to take precautions on your own.

There have been many cases of fraud when it comes to hiring the services of an immigration lawyer or consultant to help with your immigration process.

While we’ve talked on some of best immigration lawyers in Canada, your best bet would be employing the services of an immigration lawyer or consultant that was recommended to you by a trusted friend or family residing in Canada.

Again, the recommendation should be coming from a trusted friend or family residing in Canada. Preferably one who successfully helped that trusted friend or family with the process.

While hiring the services of an immigration lawyer or consultant comes at an extra price, they can be worth it as long as you’ve got what it takes. Especially the finances needed.

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