Looking For A Job In Canada? Read This!

Over time, we’ve talked on jobs in Canada. We’ve discussed some of the jobs in Canada that are in high demand. We’ve even shared a list of Job opportunities in Canada. So, what’s new?

Well, there’s pretty much more to learn when it comes to looking for a job in Canada or perhaps, getting a job in the country.

Whether applying for a job for the very first time or changing jobs, this is something you should know.

When it comes to jobs not only in Canada, but pretty much everywhere, one thing  you cannot overlook, is your CV. Well, you can overlook this if you plan getting a job that doesn’t require a permit which means getting a job that’s self reliant.

Job application in canada

Back to CVs, Your CV is more or less, your work biography. This is also referred to as your resumè. It’s the first thing potential employers look at before looking at your face.

Point is, if you intend getting a job under a firm, you shouldn’t overlook your resume also referred to as CV. This speaks volumes. This tells the prospective employer whether you are unemployable or not. Again, this is what they look at before caring about seeing your face or not.

Having mentioned that, in this post, we will be taking a look at the skills you need to have embedded in your CV. Now, the idea isn’t just about having these skills, statistics on your CV, it’s about you being capable of them. Don’t include a work experience in a company you haven’t worked with before. That’s gonna do more harm than good.

Now, when it comes to buffing up your CV with skills, there are two types that are commonly required. These are:

  • Human Relation Skills
  • Technical Skills

Let’s talk a bit more on this. Shall we?

Human Relationship Skills

Human relationship skills is very important as it pretty much deals with how you relate with people. While your professional skills may be top notch and sort, employers still tend to care about how you relate with people. They care about teamwork. How you are going to work with other teammates to pull through, a particular task or a number of tasks. Your human relationship skills is often perceived as the basics for a healthy work environment.

Now, having said that, let’s take look at some of these skills. This should give you a better idea of what’s required.

  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Stress Management

Asides these, employees tend to look out for skills like creativity, ability to work under pressure, punctuality, and being able to work with little or no supervision.

Technical Skills

This is quite self explanatory. This comes first before your human relationship skills. I mean, a potential employer cares about what you can do for the company before finding out your human relation skills.

Simply put, technical skills involved the skills needed to carry out the job you aim to be employed for. Technical skills includes any of the following:

  • Documentation
  • Data Analysis
  • Graphic Design
  • Analytical Skills
  • Computing

Do understand that these skills relates to one looking for a job in an IT firm. For a different firm, the skills needed could be totally different. However, considering how demanding IT Jobs can be in Canada, if you are into coding and programming skills, you could be in luck.

Point is, make sure you have technical skills in the field you plan getting a job in.

Asides human relationship skills and technical skills, another handy skill will be understanding the basic language in that country. For Canada, the basic official languages are English and French. Hence, make sure you understand and speak either English or French or both fluently. That’s an added bonus. You should make sure to include that in your CV.

That’s it. If looking for a job in Canada, you should not only have all you’ve read at the back of your head, you should put them in practical. Good luck!

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